1988 Manitou catalog:


January 1988 Manitou Mountain Bike Action magazine article:


1989 July Manitou Mountain Bike Action magazine article:


1991 January Manitou fork:


April 1991 Manitou bike review:


1992 February fork review:


November 1992 bike review:

Douglas Bradbury



1951 Born in West Los Angeles


1956 First Sting Ray


1960 Built first downhill skateboard


1961 Put a Briggs & Stratton lawn mower engine on a Schwinn Cruiser.


1965 First motorcycle, a Honda 90


1969 Graduate from Hamilton High, Los Angeles. Fail most classes except Industrial Arts & Auto Shop.


1969 Compound fractures in arm and leg from desert racing


1970 Lost front teeth desert racing. Quit desert racing.


1971-1973 Motocross racing, California. Want to stay alive, so quit motocross.


1973 Start riding Observed Trials on a Bultaco motorcycle.


1974-1976 Travel on the Observed Trials National Circuit with top-ten placing.


1975 Move to Colorado Springs, Colorado.


1976 Win Ute Cup Trials in Colorado. I finally get a win!


1976-1980 Ride Enduros and ISDT two-day Qualifiers Series. Quit to stay alive once again.


1982 Witness idiots on bicycles going over Pearl Pass while on a motorcycle ride.


1984 Attempt first mountain bike ride. Quit that to stay alive. I return to motorcycles.


1985 Cant resist, buy a Ross Mt. Whitney 


1985 After crashing more on the bicycle than motorcycle, decide to build a mountain bike that works. Manitou Mountain Bikes is born.


1987-1989 Barely make a living building mountain bike frames, straight blade forks, stems, 115mm front hubs and 145mm asymmetrical rear hubs.


1990 Build first Manitou suspension fork. Tomac wants one, so take one to Tomac and get two speeding tickets and lose license.


1990 Build first Easton prototype aluminum frame.


1991 Anaheim Trade Show, sell out years production in one day!


1992-1997 License Manitou products to Answer Products. Design 5 models of suspension forks, Three versions of the hard tail and two versions of the full-suspension frame. Obtain five patents.


1994 Inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame.